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Showing posts from September, 2018


           “ In the beginning, God created   the Earth and he looked upon it, in his cosmic loneliness. And God said: Let us making living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what we have done”. And God created every living creature that now moves, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked.   “ What is the purpose of all this?”- he asked politely.    “Everything must have purpose?” asked God.     “ Certainly” –said man . “ Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this”- said     God. And he went away.      Every of us at least once in our life ask these questions from ourselves: “ Why I came to this life?  What is the purpose of life ? How I should live this life ? What is the purpose of existence? “.       The meaning of life or answers to the ...

Lacks of Indian women in construction, where the men’s of this society are looking?

   In the world where we always repeat that woman is the ideal example of beauty, perfection and admiration, being witness with something totally contrary of this makes you feel pity!     Initial days of my journalistic career in India , I didn't draw that much attention to the  places of construction over the streets and people working there as they mostly were with covered face and in long conventional clothes. Today , to my great astonishment, every single day I come across a building under construction with women laborers lugging cement or other raw materials over their head.In every area you can be evidence of these “miserable scenes”: woman climbing the scaffoldings with the bricks, carrying soil,sand on their heads, lifting heavy cement bags bricks ...other heavy loads, digging earth, mixing cement, breaking stones.        Unable to speak a word! What to say? The thing that making me get shocke...