“ In the beginning, God created
the Earth and he looked upon it, in his cosmic loneliness. And God said:
Let us making living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what we have
done”. And God created every living creature that now moves, and one was man.
Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked
around, and spoke. Man blinked.
“ What is the purpose of all this?”- he asked
politely. “Everything must have purpose?” asked God. “ Certainly” –said man . “ Then I leave it
to you to think of one for all this”- said God. And he went away.
Every of us at least once in our life ask these questions from ourselves: “ Why I came to this life? What is the purpose of life? How I should live this life ? What is the purpose of existence? “.
The meaning of life or answers to the
above mentioned questions pertains to the significance of living or existence
in general. Throughout the entire history there were various speculations and
suggestions according to the philosophical, scientific, theological and metaphysical
perspectives to the search for life’s meaning. The proposed answers to these
questions different according to various cultural and ideological backgrounds.
Different people and cultures believe different things for the answer to these

As a matter of fact, nearly all the
philosophers and scientists in past left us their treasure and experiences-
quotes, books- assuring us that happiness is the only purpose of life. There are
not a several people who believe in this. In fact, if we look around, most
people are pursuing happiness in their lives. For instance, when we buy
something new, we think it makes us happy, or when we go on holiday , or we get
a well- paying job (even we don’t like) we think that it makes us happy. The thing is that how do we achieve
happiness? Happiness can’t be a goal itself. It is believed that happiness is
merely by a product of usefulness. Going on holiday, work, dinner with friends
or buying a car – these things are great, right. This should make us happy. But
they are not useful. They don’t create anything. You just consuming or doing
something for yourself. It can’t be the meaning of life. Happiness is when we
are useful, or create something that others can use. The quote by Ralph Waldo
Emerson restated this : “ The purpose of life is not to be happy, It is to be
useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference
that you have lived well.” Perhaps, it sounds heavy to do, but actually it is
really simple.
Eventually the question comes out :
“What we
are doing that’s making difference? What you would hope others would say about
you when they describe you? or What you would want to be written in your
obituary? . Markedly, must be pointed out that, experience is another name for
life. But while having experiences the one who understands that time is
infinite and beyond the reach of man , we’ll understand the life. So, we are
sent to make the world more beautiful and amazing. There are too many things to
experience but very little time, so let experience them as much as we can.
Everyday try something new, learn something new. Be different , but never be
addicted to person, thing, religion, etc.
Possibilities are endless. We can do anything. We can become anything.
most importantly, It is only while living that you can wake up in the
morning, hear the chirping of the birds, smell the
fragrance of the flowers, feel the touch of your beloved, see the brilliance of
the sun, and tell ourselves as we look into the mirror , that life is the best
thing that ever happened to us.