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Today’s Samarkand: from historic to modernRegistan

Registan Square at night 
This historical city which was simple with ordinary streets and highways, establishments and buildings-all antique with old style today is different. Today you can not call Samarkand only historic or antique, it already transformed to modern city.
The great Pearl of the East- Samarkand changed. Wide and smooth streets, moderns buildings, same colored houses in a line, lights and large billboards, various new restaurants, hotels and small shops, public transportation and bus stops are informing about modernity and development of the city. Historic and modern is something in a harmony- modern Samarkand is representing itself like this nowadays.
Great Samarkand streets 
Always shining famous Registan Square, Gur Amir Temur Mausoleum, Great Shahi Zinda, Bibi Xanum Mosque and other historical treasures of this antique city are still fabulous and intriguing, standing at the same place, however it mixed with pleasant modern places, gardens and surroundings.
The urbanization and modernization of the city under the management of government is growing speedily. The second attractive city of Uzbekistan continues to be the most popular touristic destination in our country with its stunning architecture, historical riddles and mysteries. Being an open-air museum alluring Samarkand- regularly crowded with tourists from different countries, local people from every corners of our country who dream to see this wonderful worldwide popular city.
Every year the city is crowded with people , especially in warm days. Interestingly, at present times you can walk and sit with family, take a rest and enjoy in the evenings around Registan Square, University Boulevard and other places. The shops and markets regularly open till 9-10 pm every day.

I like my Samarqand, today’s Samarkand is unique, everything is available!


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