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                    A report onForbes states that 89% of                                       respondents admitted to wasting time on
                   Social media while at work

 Social media is now new trend. Anyone you can see, whether it is individual or legal entity, NGO or governmental organization, private companies, small business organizations and etc exploring , engaged deeply in it. Everyone is networking with different objectives. Any website which allows users to share their content, opinions, views and encourages interaction and community building can be classified as a social media. Some popular social media sites are: Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, Digg, My Space, Delicious,Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Flickr and so on.
     Over the last decade, more people , particularly youngsters-adults and teenagers are joining sites like Facebook, Twitter, My Space to interact with friends, family and strangers, after the wide spread development of smart phones. Today Social media is something that everyone is busy all the time. It’s part of our lives that we cannot separate, as the air we breathe. Difficult to find anyone without phone, or leaving his phone calmly somewhere, in exception some far village people, perhaps.·         
In Study published in 2016 By the Researcher at Swansea University, people experienced psychological symptoms of withdrawal when removed from social media.
      Definitely, the fore deals of social media are so huge not to mention it as well as are the main reason why it becomes so popular. So of the benefits—increased connectivity with individuals around the world, seamless and fast transmission of information, building relationships, emotional support, positive self-representation, educational possibilities, awareness, activism, finding old friends that you lost contacts, access to expert health info, community building and etc. These are some of the things directly attract people not giving a while even to think about negative effects.  Between 2013 and 2014 the number of adults who use at least 2 social media networks rose by 10%, and the amount of time spent on these site has increased from about 2.7 hours a month in 2006 to 9.5 hours in 2014, according to slashgear

    But today We want to draw your attention to the negativity of social media. MADINA, a college practitioner in India shared her experienced opinion on social media.

     “To my thinking, since nearly 2 decades that social media dominating the Web, the negative effects of these networking sites overweigh the positive ones. All of us starting from teens up to elders became dependable to our phones, constantly engaged using hundred times throughout a day. It turns into reflex checking out phones, chats, social profiles; even we don’t get any message just we want to see , doesn’t matter wherever we are: college, work, university, with friends, family , at home, library etc. We used to do it several times in a day. How we are allowing one small device monitor our life, now maybe many of you say it is not like this, but it is….

  •      We get up early morning with checking the updates of our friends in social sites and sleep late night as well with phone, being online in Facebook or Instagram. We become addicted to it. We never get enough of using it. We can’t stop ourselves from it already.At 2014 Pew Center study states that 40%of smart phone users access social media from their phones- and 28% do it on a daily basis. A percentage of individuals accessing social media via their phone or mobile device continuous to rise.

  • Our concentration is lost. We cannot stay long reading a book or another subject literature from college, not speaking about libraries; it looks like history for us.
  • Respect is lost. We don’t care that much about the friend who is speaking to us, our head is down to phone. We gather once in a week to meet and enjoy, but everyone is busy with phone. The relationships cracked. Once we fight, we don’t bother about  making up again, from how long we came up to day-our relationship value is not important, as we have a lot of virtual friends , even though we don’t meet them.A common complaint, highlighted on debate .org suggest social media is making us less social and more aggressive
  • People isolated. We sit hours or several days without going out or meeting with people. We chat with them online, this become like meeting. It bring us to loneliness, we are not noticing this. 
  • Education level gets down. We are not studying, not doing research, because our concentration is going to Facebook. Our speech has gone, we forget interaction with people. Communication skills reduced, cos computer grammar is writing instead of us. The abbreviations we are using in chats affecting our communication , knowledge, we are losing our language.
  • Time wasting…. If only everyone ask himself this question. You know how much time you spend on social media. With everyone it is more than limitations. What is the result? What we get from it?--- Nothing. Nothing useful for our study,  work. Only we lose priceless one—time. Global Web Index poll shows that 28% of the time spends online is on social networks.
  • Today we are lazy. We have daily to do list, but at the end of the day though even half of it not done. We cannot make ourselves stand up and do……just…just…We let ourselves spend the day with phone. 
  • Affecting   productivity. Mostly businesses use social media to find and communicate with clients. But it is a great distraction to employees, who may show more interest in what their friends are posting than in their work tasks. posted 2 studies which demonstrated damage to productivity caused by social networking.

    These are the truth written by word of mouth of one individual and witnessed with her friends
surrounding her; below there are another research facts that have been done exactly on this...
·             When 2 German Universities joined forces to investigate social networking, researchers discovered that one in three people surveyed felt worse(lonely, frustrated or angry) after spending time on Facebook, often due to the perceived inadequacies when comparing themselves to friends.
·            Stephen and Keith Wilcox, an associate professors aat Columbia University, say that using online social networks can influence behavior by reducing self-control, experimented on survey of Facebook users in the US.Social science research network

·          Social media is a new hobby in a new century. Hobbies usually forward us to a new skill, potential or talent. What skills do social media giving to you?


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