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One of the best things that ever happened to me Is that , I AM A WOMAN, That is the way all females should feel!


           P.S. I am proud to be a woman, we women can change the world. We women are strong , source of strength, no matter how difficult life will get us, we can do all.                                                              

                                Muhabbat Davranova 
               “Listen to me Amin”- I said slowly. ”Listen to me very carefully.  Nothing is the same. Nothing will ever be the same. There lives on this earth a woman who can be my friend and my lover . Do you understand that? Do you understand what a marvelous thing that is?”
       “A friend is a friend,” –Ushman interrupted. “and a woman is a woman. You can’t have them in one person. The whole world knows that.”
       “If that’s what the whole world knows ,….then the whole world is wrong. I believed the whole world and I lost her”.

         The words of the author of the book “ Seven Daughters and Seven Sons “  confirm the fact of significant and unquestionable position of the women in our life without which it becomes nothing.
        Women are the mother of mankind. They are inherent part of society. The role of the women in our contemporary society is different and vary compared to another gender. Every women plays many roles like a mother, daughter, sister 
 and wife . They play these roles with many responsibilities in upbringing a good community. They are created as a companion for man and man have to make her walk with them in course of life.
        Markedly, she is the most complete and perfect creation of God. They are the symbol of beauty, similarly they are treated as goddess in many communities. In previous societies in some period of life women had high position and recognition, more authority and power. Even temples had been dedicated to them as they were able to interfere to family inherent rights. Together with , she symbolize independence, love, caring, gentleness, intensity in love. It is impossible to imagine our life without the care and  love of women. Because love comes with woman.
  To point out one more important thing is  historically women have been treated unrespectedly, undervalued and underestimated, various injustices happened with her. They were expected to stay at home, look after children, supposed principal duty – to continue race; as well as take care of household duties. Only man had superiority; could study and work. Women considered as weak and had very inferior place. However this conception in the mind of the people has been modified throughout years. The  role of the women in society has been greatly overseen in the last few decades. Different type of strikes, national movements and fighting
done in different period giving its seeds. It was not easy to change the traditions that has been entrenched in our systems through ages. But why not? They don’t resonate with our present reality ; they are no  longer true for us. The whole Universe is ever-changing, why we should stuck in old age system that no longer serve any purpose?
      At present, the importance and place of the women both in family and modern community has changed and still changing  for the better. Their role has become more prominent and dominant than before. Also simultaneously they take part in many social functions of the communities achieving high positions in offices and companies as ambassadors, ministers, women commander- in chiefs and so on. We can see them in every fields of society such as economic, education, army , technology even politic . Now modern women can go to school to study what they want. Their function are quite active and this definitely will make the world better since both men and women can work together to improve and build it more perfect. However, in some distant places and  poor areas  in   seve
ral countries women still suffering from the unfairness, injustice, violation. This should be intensely prevented. Because they are the soul of family; means society. And community can’t develop without women.
           In general, the women nowadays could heighten their role. According to the latest researches, women make up more than 50 persent of population in the world. Thus, they are significant in each society; for men ; for the continuation of the generation. They changed all the treatment towards them. Knowledge  is power, modern women knows this. They try to become a women in knowledge. They want the others, especially men to cease regarding them as a second- class citizens. They want to raise their own voice and elucidate their thoughts. Women are blessed with enough patience to stay and enough strength to move on.
          Last but not least, women are the spirit and the happiness of our families. Its unrejectable , they have remarkable influence. There is a women at the beginning of all things. Behind every great man must be a great woman. I am proud to be a woman, because we –women can change the world. Mark Twain said: “what would men be without women ? Scarce, sir…. Scarce.”  It’s true, impossible to imagine life without women.


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