Horrible facts:
The dramatic failure of society in
India: one in every two children is a victim of child sexual abuse. More than half of these children-54%
percent-to be precise- are boys. More strangely, 94% of rape cases saw
children being raped by someone they knew, direct family members or
Important to realize that India is huge country according to its
territory, population, various nationality, citizens, mixture of intercultural
aspects, religions and traditions. Additionally, its population has been
increasing unbelievably; during 2000-2017 the growth is showing 33.4%- the
highest indications in the world. It is supposed by experts that, India is
expected to be on the first place in the world with the highest population-
around 1.600.000.000 in 2050, it will pass China’s population as well. Indeed,
it’s good, the country is growing. However, with this in mind, the
contradictory sides are there as well. According to the Child line India Foundation,
India has the world’s largest proportion of child sexual assault cases.
In 2007, the largest study conducted by Ministry of Women and Child
Development (GOI) in collaboration with UNICEF was nationwide discovery on wide spread incidence of child
abuse. Covered in 13 states, with the
sample size of 12000 children. The findings revealed that
across different kinds of abuse, it is
young children in the 5-12
years group are most at risk of abuse and
exploitation. This involves physical, sexual as well as emotional abuse.
Together with this report , there are physical abuse, emotional, child labour
and hard assault to children. The interesting point is that, out of 69% of
physically abused children, 54% were boys. In the country where men’s equaled
with God, and boy’s birth is a day of
a big celebration, they also seems face with violence.

It is not only survey conducted on this
case, a 2013 survey by UNICEF confirms this by stating that almost 42% of
Indian girls experience sexual violence before they are teenagers. And
especially according to annual Indian’s Crime Record Bureau, 100.000 crimes
against children were reported in 2015. Surprisingly, the number of the cases
registered for child abuse raised from 8,904 in the year 014 to 14,913 in the
year 2015, only under the POSCO Act. Sexual offences and kidnapping account for
81% of the crimes against minors. Year after year the percentage of the
violence is increasing. Also these are
the reports which are known to us. Magnitude number of rapes are
unknown, as 98% of rapes are commited by people known to the children , like
grandfathers, brothers, fathers uncles and even sons. Unknown because of
parents keep silence for their family reputation, future of their daughter, or
other related issues. But what kind of reputation they are saying if father
himself assaulting and spoiling the life of his child?

There should be a larger movement to ensure
the safety of children in the country. India shelters 430 million children,
nearly half of the population and they all are in need of protection. Knowing
that it’s nation is going down , how the government can be side viewer?
Definitely, we should highlight here the preventable actions of government,
such as child related laws- The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act
(2012), Child Labor (Prohibition and
Regulation)Act, (2000) , Prohibition of
Child Marriage Act, (2006), Juvenile Justice Rules and etc. Moreover, child
protection plans at schools, railway stations , streets ,open discussions
including the engagement of media and civil society and so on. World
organization –UNICEF, coupled with hundred of NGO’s are working in various
states for the rights of children and well-being.
But, facts remain fact that, all these preventable actions of Indian policy
is not enough, as if it is not affecting or reaching to it’s people, as the
indications of violence and child abuse increased instead of decreasing and India
remains the most unsafe place for girls and children, centre of sexual violence
in the world.
Children are our future. Abusing a
child is equal as killing a person because a child is soft by nature and any abuse that he or she goes through in
early stages of life, leaves a lasting imprint on its mind for always.