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Science fiction movies: warns of good and bad future

                           “Everything's science fiction until someone makes it science fact” 

  Due to the increased amount of interest, attention and curiosity of contemporary people science fiction movies are getting popularity occupying initial places in cinema box offices. As a result of careful observation, it can be stated that each month at least one science fiction movie is releasing and relatedly annual quantity of movies have multiplied over the last few decades. The viewership of this genre shoots up rapidly.
         The profound influential effect of sciencefiction movies, cinematic medium is based on bringing creativity, offering fantasy for pure entertainment; innovative editing and special effects are remarkably attracted and widely imitated by young generation. Innovative technological and scientific nuances, advances are the fundamental reasons for prosperity of science fiction.
         Science fiction usually deals with worlds that differ from our own as the result of new scientific discoveries, new technologies or different social systems. It then looks at the consequences of this change. As it is closely related to fantasy it’s sometimes hard to distinguish them, as Arthur C. Clarke famously stated: “ any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”.
         Explicitly, the rise of interest in science fiction movies of present time coupled with the reason why  it is important( according to observations) are:  initially, science fiction can be used to explore our place in the universe and consider philosophical questions about the nature of reality and the mind, secondly, science fiction can inspire more people to become scientists,( ex: Edwin Hubble  was inspired to become a scientist after reading Jules Verne novels, or science fiction author Carl Sagan was influenced by Robert A. Heinlein) thirdly, and perhaps most importantly science fiction is the only genre that depicts how society could function differently. This is the first step towards progress as it allows us to imagine the future we want, and consider ways to work towards it.
          Sciencefiction film genre has long served as
 useful means of discussing sensitive topical issues without arousing controversy, and  it often provides thoughtful social commentary on potential unforeseen issues. The fictional setting allows for deeper examination and reflection of the ideas presented, with the perspective of a viewer watching remote events. Most controversial issues in science fiction movies tend to fall into two general storylines, Utopian and Dystopian.  Either a society will become better or worse in the future.

          Correspondingly, the genre and subgenre of science fiction films are various , topics like time travel, monsters, superheroes, intergalactic space travel, computers and robots, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial are all fodder for science fiction. Starting from “ A trip to the Moon” 1902, directed by French filmmaker Georges Melies which was profoundly influential on later filmmaking.” 2001.A Space Odyssey “ 1968, based on the work of Arthur C. Clarke rose above the mostly B- movie offerings up to that time in scope and quality. Perhaps , the most famous example  of the positive effect of science fiction comes from the inclusion of a multiracial cast on the original Star Trek television series. Even when Nichelle Nichols, who played Lieutenant Uhura, was considering leaving the series, civil rights leader Martin Luther King was convinced her to stay. King argued that her inclusion on Star trek was important  because, as a black man, she helped represent a future people could aspire , one where people were judged solely on the content of their character.
            It’s interesting to note that , the majority of the top grossing films in the science fiction were made in the past ten years. In particular, “ Iron man”, “ Justice League”, “ Transformers: Dark of the Moon “ ( several other series), “ Star wars: The Last Jedy (series), “ Avatar” ( best gross sales worldwide), “The Avengers”, “Down of the Planet of the Apes” and etc. The list can be continued very long. Important to highlight the fact that every movie deliver some idea or concept; like protest against imperialism (Avatar), or pose questions about social issues.
           In some ways , society has changed dramatically since 1950s.Many things that once science fiction have already become reality: we have walked on the Moon, we have created clones, and synthetic life, and many people now have access to almost all human  knowledge through a device that can fit in their pocket. Technology is progressing so fast that it is changing society, leading to unprecedented moral dilemmas and scientific challenges. This means that science fiction is more important now than ever.
           In science fiction books and films we got to experience and explore the futures through the eyes of the characters in the films, books. We get to put ourselves in their place and live through them. Similarly, science fiction is useful as a tool , not for predicting the future, but for instead modeling a vast range of possible futures. As our society develops and changes, science fiction is there  to show us what will happen if we continue along our current path, can help address long-term problems, such as global warming. It can help with the development of space exploration, and prepare us for problems we may not anticipate. One day, time travel, teleportation or the generic engineering of humans may happen, we might communicate with aliens, invent simulated realities, or built intelligent robots and we will be better prepared ti deal with these, and other potential dilemmas, if we have already thought about them.


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