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Without music, life would be a mistake

Important to realize that there are some kind of conceptions or activity that has a unique effect to us. Particularly music is considered to be important and undivided part of majority’s life. Accordingly this social and cultural activity has been accounted in remarkable number of people’s daily routine. The surprising fact is that music is a thing that most can’t live without.
           In general, music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. Music is a pleasant sound (vocal and instrumental) that leads us to experience harmony and higher happiness. In fact, there are many definitions to music as it is concerned to various aspects of our life. Notably, music is one of the fine arts. Like other forms of art, it requires creative and technical skills and the power of imagination. Together with, music is an important aspect of education. According to one of the eminent Greek philosophers Plato- “music connects us with the real  self-soul”. While listening to relaxing music, we tend to begin the journey inward. Moreover, music has the power to dissolve the physical boundaries of the nations. The barriers of language and religion, age cannot restrict the music to speak us all and flourish in foreign country. In the same way, music has various unlimited and unbelievable powers. It is a well-established fact that it has a soothing and healing power. Music help us to relax, the melodious notes of music has the capacity to cure the mental or physical fatigue of a weary person. Similarly, music has miraculous power for treating certain mental ailments such as anxiety, abnormal excitement or depression. It is also helpful for treatment of patients suffering from insomnia. Must be remembered that music as well has magical power. This is testified by the fact that Orpheus, a legendary Greek musician could make stones dance to his music. The stories of  Tansen Baijre Bawra are not unknown to us. They could light lamps, melt stones, blossom flowers in autumn, cause rain by the accurate use of the “accurate tune”.
          The creation, performance, significance and even definition of music vary according to culture and social context. In many cultures, music is an important part of people’s way of life, as it plays a key role in religious rituals, rite of passage ceremonies (graduation and marriage) social activities (dancing) and cultural activities ranging from amateur karaoke singing to playing in an amateur funk band or singing in a community choir. People may make music as a hobby, like a teen playing cello, in a youth orchestra or work as a professional musician singer.  There are many types of music, including popular music, traditional music, art music, music written for religious ceremonies and work songs such as chanteys. Music can be divided into genres (country music) and genres can be further divided into subgenres (country blues, pass country) within the arts, music can be classified as a performing art, a fine art or as an auditory art. Music can be played or sing and heard live at a rock concert or orchestra performance , heard live as a part of the dramatic work ( a music theatre, show or opera ) or it may be recorded and listened to on a radio, MP3 player, CD player, Smart phone or as film score or TV show.
There are many other advantage of music such as emotional and spiritual uplifting and moreover it is loved by all living creatures. Also there are different kind of music according to taste variation of individuals. Young people tend to take fast and strong rhythm like rock, pop, R&B , while elders take classical and traditional ones as they want to enjoy great teaching rhythm ,lyrics and harmony. And in different age or as you grow up, your music taste also changes. Definitely different generations prefer different types of music.I think people prefer music they can relate to and have grown up with . More interesting fact to note about the music is that different people accept music in a different way. For some people it is excitement, for another one energy, some other people listen music for spending leisure time meaningfully,for someone it is profession, passion, but for some people it is life…. music is whole , the sense of their life. In brief, it is like no music- no need to live, or no existence.                           
       As for me, music means life as well but in different way. Of course, music don’t acquired whole the place in my life that does directly mean I cannot live without. However, I can’t go a day without listening music. From early morning when I wake up I put music and during the whole day whenever I am free I listen music, even night when I go to sleep –I sleep with music. Yeah, music is important in my life. It is source of energy and medicine to my mind. It refresh my mind and soul. When I am stressed , it remove my stress, I listen  sad music related to me, when I am happy music inspires me to be more, makes  me to dream, think new ideas , help me feel happiness , bring smile on my face. When I am sad, it takes me out blue and move forward. Often it changes my mood to better. . Moreover, in studies as well music helps me a lot. When I want to study it increase my concentration. Sometimes my friends ask how you could study with music? Doesn’t it disturb your concentration?  On the contrary, with music I am more motivated, active and energetic. I love listening to music while on the way to my college and back, as I feel it helps me to prepare for the day that waits.
          Music is magical. I believe that, it has the ability to transfer all sort of emotions, whether the emotion is joy, happiness or sadness with despair through rhythms, harmonies and the lyrics music show it. It’s amazing and magical that music can have in our emotions, as it can bring to people to floods of tears, or burst of laughter’s. Indeed, music is charming and fascinating. It has an ability to transport me back in time, just like a time machine. It lets me revise lost and forgotten moments in life .The thing is that songs are able to create amazing things is wonderful. Songs are so effective that there is untold story behind each song.
           In addition it can stop pain, pause the memories, click the moments and rewind the happiness. Sometimes it helps me to escape from the rigorous reality I live in. My music express the things which I cannot put into the words and that which cannot remain silent in me…instead of me… While I listen my music so loud , I can’t hear the sound of my troubling thoughts. Perhaps people haven’t always been there for me but music always has. Music washes away from the dusts of everyday life. As Billie Joe Armstrong said:” music to me is the air to breath, it is the blood that pumps through my veins that keeps me alive”.

           Love for music is not a tendency of human being only it is a common characteristic of nearly all living creatures. The moment musical notes softly enter our ears, they rose the dormant love for it. Mythology as well as folk tales bears evidence to the fact that even animals respond with joy to the melodious vibrations of the harp. Especially, in classical music tells the story without lyrics which is an immensely powerful thing. It confirm once more the saying that “music imitates life and life imitates music”.
           In the final analysis, I believe that music effect to human being life in different ways. Music is extremely important in my life. To me music is more that something to listen or to play, it’s something to feel. It produce a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. The words of famous Albert Einstein states my convention about music: “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music”. Music has a huge place in my life right next to my heart. Without music life looks like blank to me.


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