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Month of Purification-Ramadan

       ( Somethings we know and don’t know about holy month )
                       NOTE: Data collected for those who knows less about  HOLY RAMADAN
       Like Christian celebrations and holidays RAMADAN has become largely commercialized , becoming popular festival around the world with waste and excess to show for it. When the time of celebration and feasting of holy month starts , each country has their own way of celebration.
Specialties of the month:  offers in every shop and markets, special banquet menu in restaurants, refraining from alcohol changing it with fruit juice and other drinks, illuminated crowded mosques with worshippers, month of  largest amount of charity- “ Sadaqa”, free gift and presents ,buffet meals in every family  where people will swap with each other, temporary markets in the streets, vacation and holidays  particularly in Eid al-Fitr special food and treats, cultural clothes, traditional rituals, short working hours, fasting from sunrise to sunset, applying of Henna during Eid, lighting bamboo cannon firecrackers (meriam buluh) and many  many others…
Some well known facts:
v Fasting the entire month of Ramadan is mandatory regardless of Muslims nationality, ethnicity, race and color
P.S. due to several reasons (like hot weather , changed perceptions, laziness) majority are not following it.
IFTAR in Ramadan
v First versus of Qur’an revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in 610 CE in Ramadan.
v New crescent moon- start of the holy month.
v In China,  celebrating Ramadan has been banned by government in Xinjian province, where ethnic Uiygurs practice Islam. Extensive tensions between Uigurs and police forces even led to widespread riots resulting in the deaths of some 35 people.
v Ramadan fasting –one of the 5 farth  of Islam, “five Pillars”.
v In some countries, as polar regions: Iceland , Norway, Denmark fasting usually last up to 22 hours.
v However, Muslims in Argentina and Australia have shortest fasting hours lasting only between 9 .5-10 hours.
v Some people are excluded from fasting: pregnant women, mentally and physically ill people, breastfeeding women, children….

v Muslims believe that during this month , the gates of heaven are open-while those to hell are shut down. Means- this month- is the month of forgiveness and goodness. They say, all the wishes in Ramadan are accepted and sins are forgiven by God.
v Areas with high percentage of fastings- Southern Asia, South Asia, MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa.
v The word Ramadan derived from the root “Ramida” meaning “scorched”.
v In UAE each year more than 200 Ramadan tents are set up every year to distribute meals to the needy.
v The first prayer of the day is called Fair.
Economy in this month
v Charity-is an important part of Ramadan. Most of Muslims  decide to donate their charity for the year during this holy month.
v There are more than 1500 varieties of dates available for people during “Ramadan”, the most expensive one – “AIWA dates” produced mainly in Saudi Arabia.
v Even death doesn’t exclude you from fasting. (if a person dies during the month of Ramadan, having fasting days left, whoever is in charge of their affairs must continue their fast on their behalf, typically after they have completed their own fast.
v In Egypt the clocks are pushed back to shorten the days and increase the night, when fasting is not required.
v A total of more than 100 million dollars was given as charity in Ramadan alone in 2016.
v The crime rate drops during the month of Ramadan.
v According to bankers and economists of Muslim countries, Ramadan almost always ushers in a month long period of inflation as people drastically increase the amount of money spent on clothing and food. The price of certain staples go up dramatically; ex: during Ramadan a cup of tea in Cairo can cost six times it’s normal price.
v Failing to fast during Ramadan –is a crime. In Algeria, in 2008 the court of Biskra condemned six people to 4 years in prison and heavy fines. In UAE , eating, drinking or smoking in public places is considered offence and punished by up to 150 hours of community service. In S. Arabia- there are harsher punishments ( logging, imprisonment, for foreigners- deportation).
v Festival of breaking the fast- Eid al-Fitr.
v Night of Power- Laylat ul-Qadr (that night Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad as assumed; that night when everyone stay  awake till morning with praying and niyah(intention) cos praying throughout this night is equal with praying for thousand months).


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