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In the world’s history Samarkand is like phoenix: it used to be destroyed by many invasions and wars, but survived every time to reborn from the ashes.

      Samarkand- -is the motherland, Samarkand is history, centre of Islamic architecture, heart of ancient Silk Road that bordered from China to Turkey, city went through antique human civilization, favorite spot and capital of Tamerlane. Today Samarkand is treasure of unique antiquity spirit. The history of Samarkand is about 2.750 years old. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2001 due to the abundance of material and spiritual values.
     One of the oldest cities of the world during entire its long life has been seen development as well as destroying invasions of foreign conquerors, but it revived again and again still standing glorious, shiny and beautiful. At present, the city is broaden and wide, modern simultaneously historical/ancient is the second largest city after capital.
     Among all another cities of Uzbekistan Samarkand is alluring, different, has special attractive feature. Here are some more: 
v Samarkand is of the same age as the city Babylon and Rome
v It is a must see place for all the visitors and travelers visiting Central Asia.
v City- Crossroads of Cultures had central position of ancient Silk Road until 15 century when sea way discovered
v Samarkand was capital city of Tamerlane. He put the city in the world map and the most significant development and flourishing the city got during the reign of A.Temur.
v Nearly all architecture and historical sightseeing’s visible today in the city was built and belonged to Temurids in IV century.
v Though it is in Uzbekistan, Tadjiks(Persian speaking people) are the major speaking group in the city.
v Even though 90% of the city population are Sunni Muslims, Islam is not followed strictly.
v There are many Shia “ towns in the Samarkand general area, where “Shia’’ Muslims deported previously from Mervis-Marv(Turkmenistan). They are identified locally as “Irani”. They have their own mosque and mausoleums.
v Leopard- is the symbol of the city
v Today in Samarkand you can still see manual ancient papermaking process based on old city technologies- mill, in Meros, Ko’nigil.
v The dominant color of major buildings in the city- is blue. It is the color of mourning. It symbolizes the wealth of the city, blue is the representative of water in Central Asia.
v There is Museum of Winemaking at Khovrenko Winery where in its cellars store wines for longstanding aging, various range of wines.
v Registan Square is glory and heart of the city. It is the venue of Eastern International Music Festival “Sharq taronalari”  is held every 4 years.
v A.Temur is a national hero of Uzbeks
v You can be witness oriental silk carpet weaving process in Samarkand. Factory producing hand- made silk carpets still exists and passing from generation to generation.
v The gravestone of Gur- Emir-  where A. Temur rest was opened in 1941by Russian for expedition despite the disagreement of local people . The opening of the tomb brings II World War which local people related it with curse of Tamerlane.
v The most famous product of  Samarkand is their bread “Galaosiyo Non”. A visitor will rarely find anybody leaving Samarkand without buying Non as a gift.

Samarkand famous bread
Places must be visit in Samarkand :
                                                                                                                                      i.      The Registan Square (3 madrasas: Ulug Beg madrasah, Sher Dor madrasah, Tilya kori     Madrasah   )            
                                                                                                                                   ii.       Gur –EmirMausoleum
                                                                                                                                 iii.       BibiKhanum Mosque(Mosque devoted to beloved Chinese wife of A.Temur; story under story)
                                                                                                                                 iv.       Mausoleumof St. Daniel(constantly growing sarcophagus of the prophet)
                                                                                                                                    v.       UlugbekObservatory( ancient Observatory where light still pouring into the ruins)
                                                                                                                                 vi.       Rukhabad Mausoleum
                                                                                                                               vii.       ShakhiZinda Mausoleum (live king )
                                                                                                                            viii.       Settlement of Afrasiyab
                                                                                                                                 ix.       Siab Bazaar
                                                                                                                                    x.      Imam Al_Bukhari Mausoleum


    There are more and more beautiful and heart touching stories attributed with each of the places/monuments in the city that don’t leave you incurious.


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